I don't really know what to title this, but still, this post is gonna be... very important (yeah, it's very different from everything else I've posted here), especially considering it contains a long document I've been working on for a couple of weeks now with a friend of mine, that being @felipecrespito (go check him out if you haven't already). And you're probably wondering who it's about. Well, let's just say this person is one of the most frustrating, hypocritical, and downright delusional people I've seen on this website. I don't really want to spoil it all in this paragraph, so I'll let the document speak for itself here:
But before you read it, I just want to give a couple of warnings about it...
Disclaimer: While this is a rant about a user that I really don’t like (especially their attitude), please DO NOT harass them nor anybody else mentioned. It’s best to leave them alone and ignore them, I’m just warning you about what they’re like. And while I will be linking some of the stuff they’ve posted, it’s only for context; do not bug them, nor anybody else mentioned, about any of what is linked in this document. Just read and learn from this.
WARNING: this document will contain mentions of guilt tripping, bullying (implied), lying, opinion forcing, opinion disrespecting, homophobia, detachment from reality (also implied), and child exploitation/grooming (although the last one is NOT regarding the person focused on, but about something they failed to address at one point. You’ll see what I’m talking about regarding this on mainly pages 23-25, as well as the beginning of the third section). Viewer discretion is advised.
Also, I want to say that I will come across as rather angry in this document (it will contain a bunch of swearing, for one), but this isn't without its reasonings. I apologize for that in advance, but honestly, after having to sit through all of this, I'd say it's warranted at this point.
In the meantime, here's a piece of art I made that goes along with this rant. It might be confusing at first, but trust me, after you read the document, it'll make a lot more sense in context.
And lastly, you may notice the tags have something to do with something called "Otis Day". Once again, just read the document for context. You'll know exactly why they're included afterwards. That's all I can really say. Just read and learn, and please stay safe.
I might be going against the grain here, but I really don't care.
Ellis, you need to chill the fuck out. For real.
I get this user isn't one you like and that's fine, but to go to the lengths of making a fucking 25 page essay on them seems a bit overkill.
Like seriously, you might not like Crowsar, but making a "expose" on him is not the way to go here.
Maybe it's just me, but it just seemed like you were shitting on the dude for the ultimately harmless statements and opinions he's expressed over the years over FNF and the various NG trios, which isn't something I agree with to an extent.
The part where you talked about his temper over small jokes was a genuinely important one and is definitely something he should work on, but other than that I'm at a loss at some of the other points you made like him supposedly "hating Pico Day" even though he has said on several occasions that he likes it. I don't think he would participate in it if he hated it, wouldn't he? Just a thought.
I don't know if I'll get flack for this or not, but at the same time the majority of the points you made in that document were in poor taste and just boil down to him not having a opinion that you personally agree with. It's not awful by any means and it has some good points regarding Crowsar, but it has a lot of problems as well.
Sorry for the paragraph, just wanted to point out some things. No hate at all towards you Ellis, I just think that you're demonizing Crowsar way too much and this document made me lose a lot of respect for you.
My main issue with him is that he acts like people NEED to give a fictional character (Otis) more attention, when they don't even need to. Otis is not a main priority, whether he likes it or not (and the fact that he keeps whining about it to this day just adds fuel to the fire).
Not to mention the way he treats real people (which, as I've said before, is actually fucked up when you realize he's prioritizing the FNF fandom flanderizing some fictional characters compared to the amount of grooming cases that have went on in the fandom; seriously, he should've brought that up when talking about the fandom, not how people treat some fictional characters).
I'm not saying he should be "exposed"; I'm just warning people about what he's like and will probably continue to be like if he doesn't learn that not everything has to revolve around him (not helping that most of it, ESPECIALLY the Otis Day stuff, is fueled by his own ego).