now I wish there were animated versions of the actual DS game covers
now I wish there were animated versions of the actual DS game covers
I know I’ve seen fan made animated covers before !
vivian is best girl in this game
this would be the game where you constantly get game over screens
Nene: look at this shit pico, why do we have these weird chunky ass face cheeks
I think you mean Funkin' Hard lol
Nene's so hot she melted my eyes
Its either that or the very pink background lmao
this looks like it'd be the cover to a great comic series
Nene would beat the shit out of the bloody hedgehog, there's no contest
she's going insane over them having nothing in their speech bubbles in the first picture
I just like making up headcanons for Newgrounds characters. I hope to share a lot of them with you guys!
pfp by @chillzozen
my gaming chair
Joined on 3/22/22